[Lazarus] spinedit issue with qt5

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Mon Jun 11 13:12:48 CEST 2018

El 11/06/18 a les 11:49, zeljko ha escrit:
> On 11.06.2018 11:43, Luca Olivetti via Lazarus wrote:
>> El 11/06/18 a les 11:30, Luca Olivetti via Lazarus ha escrit:
>>> I changed that to
>>>      if (ACustomFloatSpinEdit.MaxValue > 
>>> ACustomFloatSpinEdit.MinValue) then
>>>      begin
>>>        ASpinWidget.setMinimum(ACustomFloatSpinEdit.MinValue);
>>>        ASpinWidget.setMaximum(ACustomFloatSpinEdit.MaxValue);
>>>      end
>>>      else
>>>      begin
>>>        if ASpinWidget is TQtFloatSpinBox then
>>>        begin
>>>          ASpinWidget.setMinimum(-MaxDouble);
>>>          ASpinWidget.setMaximum(MaxDouble);
>>>        end else
>>>        begin
>>>          ASpinWidget.setMinimum(-$7fffffffffffffff);
>>>          ASpinWidget.setMaximum($7fffffffffffffff);
>>>        end;
>>>      end;
>> And it still fails :-(
>> If I use -MaxInt and MaxInt it works (albeit with a reduced range)
> Please open an issue and attach example project.



Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.3010)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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