[Lazarus] Special Request: Theme entire IDE support

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Mar 15 21:59:35 CET 2018

On 2018-03-14 16:52, Anthony Walter via Lazarus wrote:
> Regarding changing the OS theme to change the application theme, in some 
> cases this is undesirable.

I've made that argument over 12 years ago to the Lazarus team, and every 
few years after that. They shot me down every time. Initially I wanted 
to use LCL and Lazarus IDE for enterprise based commercial software. All 
my clients wanted own styled applications - separate from the OS. LCL 
couldn't deliver [and for some more reasons] I had to leave LCL behind. 
I then implemented a whole new toolkit (and partly for fun and learning) 
to accomplish cross-platform development with FPC and that allows 
individual applications to be fully themeable.

I'm glad to hear that LCL finally has some sort of themeing interface, 
but based on these discussions, I guess it is not working 100% for all 
LCL based applications. At least the project is heading in the right 


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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