[Lazarus] new lcl CHMs.

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Sun May 20 20:05:45 CEST 2018

Am 20.05.2018 um 19:09 schrieb Marco van de Voort via Lazarus:
> Hello,
> I generated trunk CHMs for LCL as a testcase after fixing bug #32325.
> Hopefully 4000+ cases of this issue (TStringgrid.align redirection in the
> index failed) were fixed.
> Experimental CHMs are at http:/www.stack.nl/~marcov/new304/lcl-chm.zip which
> are linked against the newer FPC 3.0.4 chms at
> http:/www.stack.nl/~marcov/new304/doc-chm.zip
> As an experiment, the Lazarus CHMs were generated on Windows. Please report
> any anomalies. A log is included and contains a warning/hint to list the
> cases where the fix engages. If there are new problems check against the log
> if the relevant symbol was fixed.
> Log looks like:
> resolved:grids/tstringgrid.align.html to controls/tcontrol.align.html
> The committed version minorly improved on the message.
> Marco

I downloaded the chm-zips from your site, copied them into the folder 
(lazarus)/docs/chm of Laz 1.8.2, and followed the "steps to reproduce" 
of the bug report #32325 (on Windows): Yes, the new files seem to work 
fine. Thank you.

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