[Lazarus] New Image Lists question

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Wed May 23 19:35:01 CEST 2018

On 23.05.2018 19:29, Vojtěch Čihák via Lazarus wrote:
> But I need to add images at design-time via Image List Editor. I have 
> my images at *.svg format and I use script for converting (I use rsvg 
> tool).
> So I need to know where to store transfered images (one or more 
> directories) and what names (or suffixes) give them to be able to load 
> them via Image List Editor at once (if possible).

I don't understand you. The design-time Image List Editor is a 
click-here/click-there WYSIWYG dialog. There are absolutely no rules how 
you have to save your images... Just load the images one-by-one. The 
resolutions will be detected automatically.

But I really advice you not to store all resolutions in the LFM. 
Instead, use one big resolution (typically 256x256). All needed 
resolutions will be automatically scaled from it in run-time. Add 
smaller resolutions only if they don't look good.

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