[Lazarus] mEDBG Debugger [[was: Re: Switching debugger based on Project settings for embedded targets]]

Michael Ring mail at michael-ring.org
Wed Nov 21 15:02:33 CET 2018

I can also provide you my implementation for JLink-Debugger if it helps, 
thanks to some great improovements Martin did in the past the code I 
needed to add was reduced to a minimum, and I am now checking if I need 
my own implementation at all....


Am 21.11.18 um 14:28 schrieb Martin Frb via lazarus:
> On 21/11/2018 14:09, Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis via lazarus wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   thx for the info !
>> On 2018-11-21 14:25, Martin Frb via lazarus wrote:
>>> Depending on how your external exe works, you need some sort of
>>> control when to send which message, and how to parse the answers...
>>   Actually I'll communicate with the HW Debugger using mEDBG Protocol 
>> via Serial ( USB CDC ). So no external exe.
>>   Again thx for the info !
> Well then you probably will need to look at the various FpDebug based 
> debuggers too.
> FpDebug can read the dwarf info. You will need to implement 
> run/pause/breakpoint (there is something in fpdebug, but I do not know 
> if that works for you).
> And then provide memory access, so fpdebug can read data, to evaluate 
> watches.

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