[Lazarus] Compiler can't use pfcrc resource compiler

Pedro Restrepo restrepopj at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 04:36:47 CEST 2018

First of all, I appreciate the incredible work the development team has put
into building Lazarus.

After using Lazarus successfully for some time, I started to get this error
message when compiling an application, not the IDE or installing the
program as is the case in other threads. It happens only after the first
compilation. In other words, I open Lazarus, make whatever changes I need
to make to the application, compile, and everything is fine. If I make
another change, the error appears. After re-starting Lazarus, it compiles

Also, I don't have that problem with Lazarus 1.8.4 on both Debian stretch
and Windows 10.

When compiling another program, considerably larger, doesn't have that

I am using:

Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Raspbian Stretch
fpc 3.3.1
Lazarus 2.1.0, custom installation, as is the onlyh way to do it on a
Raspberry Pi.

Any suggestions?

Thank you
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