[Lazarus] Installed lazarus-ide in Ubuntu18, cannot install package

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 12:19:44 CEST 2018

On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 02:38:14 +0300, Juha Manninen via Lazarus
<lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>As an extra bonus you will get latest bug fixes in future by running "svn up".
>My prediction is that you will ignore this advice and start to bang
>your head with .deb packages like many others do. The forum is full of
>threads by those people.

No, I decided to go the route of checking out the release sources and
build from them. Needed the seed compiler 3.0.0 but advice here led me
to where that could be fetched (important: It must be the 64 bit seed

So I followed my notes (actually a script) for installing FPC/Lazarus
on RaspberryPi devices and it worked just fine. Had to change the
Ubuntu desktop to xfce to get a decent start menu where I could
install the start item for Lazarus 1.8.4.
Now working fine! Source is the way to go!

But I have another issue:
My ported application uses Indy10 with the SMTP component and it must
use SSL. On Windows I have put two SSL dll:s (libeay32.dll and
ssleay32.dll) in the executable dir in order to get that going, but on
Linux I assume there is another way to get SSL connectivity into an
Right now my converted application builds and runs up until the point
where it shall connect to the mail server with POP3 over SSL when an
exception is generated due to not finding SSL....

Unfortunately I have not found if there are some similar dll type
files on Linux that I need for SSL...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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