[Lazarus] IDE Spotter

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sun Sep 23 13:16:26 CEST 2018


I've polished something that was started during the Lazarus Pro conference
in Bonn the last days, the IDE Spotter (this is a "Working Title").

The idea is to have a command box such as it exists in Atom or Visual code

Press ALt-Shift-P (or Meta-Shift-P on Mac) to access it.

Type the command you wish (e.g. open), navigate with arrows or click on the
correct match. The command will be executed. You can type multiple words.
all parts must be matched (and are colorized).

You can find the package under 'components/idespotter' in SVN.
It should also work under 1.8.4/2.0rc1 for those that want to try it.

There are some options under Tools - Options - Environment - IDE Spotter.

Ideas for improvements are currently:
- Shrink window list if the match list is "small".
- Search in recent files (projects/units/packages)
- ... ?

Please testdrive it. 
Ideas for improvements/comments/bugreports welcome (well, the latter not so much ;)).

Thanks go to James Ralston for pitching the idea, and Mattias for including it in SVN !


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