[Lazarus] IDE Spotter

R0b0t1 r030t1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 12:26:27 CEST 2018

On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 1:16 PM, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus
<lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've polished something that was started during the Lazarus Pro conference
> in Bonn the last days, the IDE Spotter (this is a "Working Title").
> The idea is to have a command box such as it exists in Atom or Visual code
> studio.
> Press ALt-Shift-P (or Meta-Shift-P on Mac) to access it.
> Type the command you wish (e.g. open), navigate with arrows or click on the
> correct match. The command will be executed. You can type multiple words.
> all parts must be matched (and are colorized).
> You can find the package under 'components/idespotter' in SVN.
> It should also work under 1.8.4/2.0rc1 for those that want to try it.
> There are some options under Tools - Options - Environment - IDE Spotter.
> Ideas for improvements are currently:
> - Shrink window list if the match list is "small".
> - Search in recent files (projects/units/packages)
> - ... ?
> Please testdrive it. Ideas for improvements/comments/bugreports welcome
> (well, the latter not so much ;)).
> Thanks go to James Ralston for pitching the idea, and Mattias for including
> it in SVN !
> Michael.

This is a great idea. My window manager, i3, works very well with a
feature like this. Sadly a lot of actions are application specific and
require that specific application to support "hinting" (to work with a
general solution) or to implement their own solution.

You may want to look at https://pwmt.org/projects/girara/, which
provides a vim-like input for an application. It finds use in Zathura
(PDF reader) and Jumanji (browser, not usable iirc).


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