[Lazarus] sharing units between lazarus and delphi

Andrea Mauri andrea.mauri.75 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 13:08:30 CEST 2019

Dear all,
I have a project fully developed on Lazarus. It is a desktop application
running on win, linux and mac.
I would like to test Delphi in order to try to build a mobile application
using my lazarus units.
I can suppose to divide my units in those that should act exactly the same
and those that should be modified.
The first group belongs to not graphical units, the second group includes
units that uses the canvas.
What should be the preferable way to make my units compilable both by
fpc/Lazarus and Delphi?
Is it better to use MODE DELPHI or is it better to introduce IFDEFs all
along the code? (e.g. for different usage of @ between fpc and delphi).
What are the pros and cons of the two strategies?
Code compiled using MODEL DELPHI is comparable, e.g. in terms of
performance, to code compiled using OBJFPC?

Any hint is really appreciated.
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