[Lazarus] Lazarus 2 Installation under Raspbian Stretch fails

Joe Special at Joepgen.com
Mon Feb 11 17:37:06 CET 2019

Am 11.02.2019 um 15:17 schrieb Anthony Walter via lazarus:
> Okay Joe, I've create a version of Lazarus 2.0 and it's available here:
> https://www.getlazarus.org/setup/?download#raspberry_pi
> Please see this mailing list message titled "Raspbian FPC 3.3.1 and 
> Lazarus 2.0 Available" for the notes.
> I made this a precompiled bundle rather than an svn build script 
> because it takes MUCH longer to download and build sources on a 
> Raspberry Pi, and also I've reduced the storage footprint by at least 
> 1.5GB, which is a lot given the typical space people have available on 
> their Raspbian SD card.
> Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Hi, Anthony,

unfortunately this script fails on a Pi3B+ with  a fresh installed 
Stretch (Version Nov 2018).
I have created a bug report with enclosed screen shot and tried to send 
it to you, but got this answer:

Your mail to 'lazarus' with the subject

     Re: [Lazarus] Raspbian FPC 3.3.1 and Lazarus 2.0 Available/Bug

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

     Message body is too big: 161273 bytes with a limit of 100 KB

I am going to make the screen shot smaller and to try again.

Regards --  Joe

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