[Lazarus] Raspbian FPC 3.3.1 and Lazarus 2.0 Available

Joe Special at Joepgen.com
Tue Feb 12 10:44:08 CET 2019

Am 12.02.2019 um 00:51 schrieb Anthony Walter via lazarus:
> Joe, you should delete setup.sh, download it again:
> Here is the location of the Rasberry Pi setup script:
> https://www.getlazarus.org/download/?platform=raspberry
> chmod + x setup.sh && ./setup.sh
> After that follow the instructions in the terminal. When the script 
> completes you will have a menu entry in Raspbian under Programming 
> titled Lazarus 2.0. Use that shortcut to launch Lazarus. Alternately 
> you can navigate to the install location and in the lazarus folder run 
> lazarus.sh to start Lazarus 2.0 to with the properly configured 
> environment.
> You should see the Lazarus splash screen with version 2.0 emboldened 
> at the bottom.


on executing this setup.sh I just got the same error messages:. Among them:

tar: Das sieht nicht wie ein "tar"-Archiv aus
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
./setup.sh: Zeile 206: /home/pi/Development/FreePascal/fpc/bin/fpcmkcfg: 
Datei nicht gefunden
and much more.

Nevertherless  setup.sh finishes with message "Your Free Pascal 3.0 with 
Lazarus is now installed".

Translation: 'Das sieht nicht wie ein "tar"-Archiv aus' -> Doesn't look 
like a "tar" archive
                      'Datei nicht gefunden -> Filre not found

Now I am preparing another sd card with Raspian Stretch again, but do 
not switch to German and try this setup.sh again.

Regards --  Joe

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