[Lazarus] Unexpected TAChart's axis scaling

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Sun Jan 6 18:56:02 CET 2019

Am 06.01.2019 um 18:00 schrieb Valdas Jankūnas via lazarus:
> Hello,
> in Test Project I have a Chart with several LineSeries and one 
> AreaSeries. AutoScaleAxisTransform in each Axis is used. I noticed 
> some unexplainable behavior:
>  - in fig_A you can see Chart in "all is OK" state,
>  - if I do Chart1LineSeries1.Active:=FALSE (this series is tied to 
> Axis #0) then all Axes suddenly expands (see attached fig_B),
>  - if I do Chart.Axis#0.Range.UseMin/Max:=FALSE then all Axes scales 
> to expected range (see attached fig_C).
> Attached Test Project.
> Is this a Bug?

This is hard to tell from the description alone, there are so many 
possibilities... You should create a litte project which shows the issue 
and attach it (please include only source files, .pas, .lfm, .lpi, .lpi, 
no .exe, .ppu).

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