[Lazarus] IDE fppkg error message

Martok listbox at martoks-place.de
Thu Jan 24 18:25:08 CET 2019

Am 24.01.2019 um 13:42 schrieb AlexeyT via lazarus:
> After changing FPC from 3.0.4 to 3.3.1 i see this error on IDE start.
See <http://lists.lazarus-ide.org/pipermail/lazarus/2019-January/235733.html>
Short version:

Lazarus now has a hard dependency on properly (and globally!) configured fppkg,
which requires fpc in your PATH.

Upside: Lazarus supposedly needs it for something to do with fpmake
dependencies, but it only really affects looking up paths of packages installed
via fppkg.
Downside: completely breaks the default Windows setup as well as any
self-contained installations (on any OS).

> b) how to avoid it?
Not currently fixable by a user.

However, as this only occurs when you have never run the fppkg client before,
you also cannot have any fppkg-managed packages, meaning the message is
perfectly safe to ignore. See attached patch, which restores the old logic.
Compiling *will* work even if fppkg is not configured (as it always has), as fpc
correctly uses fpc.cfg to find the package paths.


-------------- next part --------------
Index: packager/fppkghelper.pas
--- packager/fppkghelper.pas	(revision 60047)
+++ packager/fppkghelper.pas	(working copy)
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
       FFPpkg := FPpkg;
       FPpkg := nil;
-      on E: Exception do
-        IDEMessageDialog(lisFppkgInitializeFailed, Format(lisFppkgInitializeFailed, [E.Message]), mtWarning, [mbOK]);
+      //on E: Exception do
+      //  IDEMessageDialog(lisFppkgInitializeFailed, Format(lisFppkgInitializeFailed, [E.Message]), mtWarning, [mbOK]);

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