[Lazarus] IDE Ctrl+W key

Dmitry Boyarintsev skalogryz.lists at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 00:54:35 CET 2019

On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 7:35 PM Mattias Gaertner via lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> >
> > > Ctrl+Space is for parseable Pascal files, Ctrl+W is for all other
> > > files.
> > >
> > and what's the issue to have Ctrl+Space for both cases?
> Are you aware that if Ctrl+Space fails it jumps to the syntax error?

Yes. And it's irritating, because I do remember when Ctrl+Space used to
work even with incomplete sources.
I often trying to use Ctrl+Space to complete the word on incomplete
sources. (because I don't remember an API, and I need a hint.).
But instead of showing me a list of options, it just doesn't work or jumps
somewhere else. (...and jumping can be turned off, yet it won't do anything

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