[Lazarus] IDE Ctrl+W key

Dmitry Boyarintsev skalogryz.lists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 03:44:11 CET 2019

On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 1:57 PM Mattias Gaertner via lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> Ctrl+Space always jumped to an error.
> Although over the years codetools parser matured. So some syntax, that
> was formerly skipped/ignored, now raises an error. Maybe you mean this?
I would think, this is exactly the problem. Though I'd expect the mature
parser to be more tolerant to user errors and do some sort of self recovery.

Also, I don't think me simply complaining about the "here and there" would
However, sometimes I just cannot bug-report the issue, because restarting
the IDE resolves the problem.

Is there any sort of stand-alone code-tools log happening? Something that
could be used for bug reporting?

> IMO hiding an error is asking for trouble.
> A good GUI must indicate somehow when the results are not reliable or
> incomplete.

That's what C-language developers are relying on. In Pascal world
compilation is fast, so it will be quite a short time when the compiler
would remind a developer about the error.
(btw, the "slowness" retains even in modern faster languages. i.e. C#. It's
not because the compiler is slow, but because an IDE is slow.
Lazarus manages to keep very high performance)

> For example by showing as first result a red line with the
> error message, which when selected will jump to the error.
> Then the user can deliberately choose to fix or ignore the error.
I hate my cursor to jump anywhere, when I'm asking for word-completion at a
particular placement.
As well as the concentration on the particular part of the code is lost.
The error can be pretty far away, and returning to the where I was might
take some time.

(btw, due to aggressive jumping in the past. I.e. when Objective-P support
was only introduced to code tools I taught myself to use bookmarks often.
Just for a quick jump back to the line of code I was working at.)

I guess that would substitute a good deal of word-completion. Although
> word-completion is also much faster.
All in all, why can't both of them be the same thing?
Typical single-form application template:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

Ctrl+Space produces:
* FormCreate
* FormIsUpdating
* FormState
* FormStyle

Ctrl+W produces:
* Forms
* FormsCreate (how did it know?)
* Form1

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