[Lazarus] Update sound shop my next tutoring project

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.nl
Sat May 18 11:59:46 CEST 2019

You have still some (possible) clicks in your source. Have a look at its spectrogram:

Almost the same you see in the output:

When looking at the output waveform you see missing audio:


From: Anthony Walter
Sent: vrijdag 17 mei 2019 20:08
To: Lazarus mailing list
Cc: Marc Weustink
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Update sound shop my next tutoring project

So progressing with the program I've added the ability to both play songs and record audio. Up to date source are in the github repository.

But I still have audio clicks and the waveform looks fine in Audacity. Here are two links demonstrating the clicking or pops:

View and sound from Audacity:

Pure wave file:

When I zoom up on the samples in Audacity really close they look fine. They are smooth with no sharp jumps, but I still hear the clicking when either playing the wave. I am at a loss. Help!

By the way, I don't hear these pops or click on Windows. Can some of you try the wave file on your Windows computers and tell me if you hear the pops and clicks? If you feel like it can you look at the wave file in Audacity and isolate the samples causing the problem? I don't see any problems with the wave samples.


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