[Lazarus] The future of the Lazarus IDE

Ralf Quint freedos.la at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 23:43:27 CET 2019

Well, for me, "the web" is not a viable (sole) option. I still have a 
lot of use cases where standalone apps on various platforms are a much 
better option. Trying to shoehorn a web based app on each and every use 
case just doesn't make sense.

Yes, Lazarus isn't "perfect", but for the most part, it has so far done 
the job for me. Across various platforms (with macOS caveats due to the 
very nature of that crummy environment).

It would  be good to include Pas2JS with the possibility to design web 
based UIs, it just gives one more option to do everything with one 

I personally loath VSCode just as much as VS itself (or XCode, for that 
matter) or Eclipse. The appeal of Lazarus for me is that it even "feels" 
Pascal, not just a tool that happens to support ObjectPascal, but just 
as a sideshow...


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