[Lazarus] The future of the Lazarus IDE

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Wed Nov 27 19:56:48 CET 2019

On 26/11/2019 8:38 pm, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote:
> one can get maybe 20/5 Mbit/s but during summer vacations when the
> population multiplies many times over it drops to sub-Mbit/s very
> often.
> Too much on-line video usage, I think.

LOL - 7 years ago when I still lived in South Africa... "super
broadband" was considered 5-10/0.5 MBps, but in reality you only got
around 2-3/0.25 MBps. The most popular (affordable) broadband was still
512/256 KBps! Fibre didn't exist back then, and is probably not
affordable now (if it exist).

So imagine my delight when I arrived in the UK and order fibre to the
home with 200MBps speeds, and was really affordable. :-) I now have
250/30 (the most we can get in our area) and still smiling all the way.

The UK is still lagging behind many other countries for upload speeds
[as far as I know], but hopefully we will get there some day. First we
got to sort out that little thorn in the side called Brexit. ;-)


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