[Lazarus] Lazarus 2.0.6 IDE suddenly disappeared losing a lot of edits...

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Nov 28 15:14:47 CET 2019

On 28/11/2019 15:10, Martin Frb via lazarus wrote:
> You could try running lazarus, without gdb, but with output 
> redirection to a file.
> Lazarus has some logging that checks for an open console. So there 
> will be content in that file, that does not confirm anything about a 
> rogue writeln. But if there were no crash, it could be a hint.

you could try

lazarus --debug-log=/home/NAME/good-log.txt  > /home/NAME/bad-log.txt

The first part redirects any proper logging. So anything that goes into 
the 2nd file, would need to be checked.

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