[Lazarus] OSX 64 bit Cocoa + Catalina Installer

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Oct 15 12:14:18 CEST 2019

On 15/10/2019 04:23, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:
> Here is a short video where I demonstrate how to switch between the 
> gdb and lldb inside Lazarus.
> https://cache.getlazarus.org/videos/lazarus-lldb.mp4
You can add a 2nd configuration via the toolbar. Then use the toolbar to 
toggle. That way you  (once the conf is added) you only need to select 
in the toolbars dropdown, instead of having to change 2 fields. (The 
toolbar is Lazarus 2.1 only)


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