[Lazarus] TTaskDialog - correct ModalResult for "Close"?

Alexander Hofmann alexander.hofmann at new-h.de
Wed Sep 11 09:46:00 CEST 2019

Hi all,

I am currently wondering how to interpret the ModalResult of TTaskDialog
if the Button "Close" was clicked. "Close" returns "mrAll" in windows
and "mrAbort" in Linux (GTK2) - is that intended? I somehow expected
mrClose. In the code of TTaskDialog, for ButtonIDs < 100, the
ModalResult is directly translated from the ButtonID, so maybe it is
intended? (taskdialog.inc, Lines 98 and following:)

|*function *TCustomTaskDialog.ButtonIDToModalResult(*const *AButtonID:
Integer ): TModalResult; *begin if *AButtonID<100 *then *Result :=
AButtonID <----- HERE *else if *(AButtonID-100<Buttons.Count) *then
*Result := Buttons[AButtonID-100].ModalResult *else *Result := mrNone;

I searched the Web and Mantis but did neither find a Bug report nor a
List like "ClickedButton -> ModalResult" or alike.

You can test by dropping a TTaskDialog on a form and using the following
code at a TButton:

|*procedure *TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); *begin
*if *TaskDialog1.Execute *then begin case *TaskDialog1.ModalResult *of
*mrOK: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrOK'); mrCancel: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrCancel');
mrAbort: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrAbort'); mrRetry:
Memo1.Lines.Add('mrRetry'); mrIgnore: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrIgnore');
mrYes: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrYes'); mrNo: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrNo'); mrAll:
Memo1.Lines.Add('mrAll'); mrNoToAll: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrNoToAll');
mrYesToAll: Memo1.Lines.Add('mrYesToAll'); mrClose:
Memo1.Lines.Add('mrClose'); *else *Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Unknown: %d',
[TaskDialog1.ModalResult])); *end*; *end*; *end*;|

Thank you and

with best wishes,


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