[Lazarus] Is there a demo for SHDocVw_1_1_TLBP.lpk

frans fjf.vanleeuwen at quicknet.nl
Mon Apr 13 10:42:26 CEST 2020


I'm using Lazarus 2.04 on Windows10.
I've used the shdocvw_1_1_tlb.pas unit (imported on 2-1-2016 from 
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shdocvw.dll) to show helptext in a browser. Now 
there is a new package ActiveXInternetExplorer and the contents of 
shdocvw_1_1_tlb.pas (imported on 23-7-2017 from 
C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll) is very much different from the older one.
I've tried to figure out how to use this new pakage, but I don't 
understand it and I can't find any documentation. Is there someone who 
can explain this to me? Or show it to me in a little demo?

Thx very much.

Frans van Leeuwen
M 06-51695390

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