[Lazarus] Add your own fpmake packages to the fppkg-repository

silvioprog silvioprog at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 14:24:08 CEST 2020

On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 8:43 AM Joost van der Sluis via lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As you might know there is an online repository with packages which you
> can use with Free Pascal.
> It is now possible to add your own packges at https://fppkg.cnoc.nl/.
> At the moment the packages which are installed together with Free Pascal
> are availabe, plus some packages I added myself. Like log4fpc (a clone
> of log4delphi), dcpcrypt and some others.
> Everyone can log-in with a bug-tracker of forum account. Note that every
> fpc-version has it's own repository. And that there are two flavours:
> testing and production. Everyone can add packages to testing. For now
> adding to production is only possible for administrators.
> I've tried to explain how it works over here:
> https://fppkg.cnoc.nl/documentation
> I'm really curious which packages will appear...
> Regards,
> Joost.

This is good news and thank you for publishing! 🎉

I'm going to study how it works and publish my packages there.

I have some naive suggestions. After all packages were loaded, the button
"Add package" disappeared, so after a long scrolling down I found it again
at bottom of the site, so it would be nice to move it to the top (maybe on
the right of label "A complete list of all packages"). The other suggestion
would to add a new menu item called "Add package". And the last one would
to change the "Login/Logout" cursor style to "hand pointer". 😅

Thank you more one time for publishing it!

Silvio Clécio
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