[Lazarus] "No program file "/home/eugen/aux/lmarka/unit1" found".

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sun Mar 1 09:36:45 CET 2020

Normally Lazarus starts with a "GUI" project. This is edited by putting 
"Buttons" (etc) on a form.

I believe you want to write a "program".  (console app)?
You start with "program MyProg;" and use "readln" and "writeln"?

Then go to the menu "Project" => "New Project" and choose "Simple 
program" as project-type.

Am 01/03/2020 um 05:28 schrieb Евгений Кадисов via lazarus:
> Hi anybody.
> I have installed lazarus (2.0.2) . My operating system is Ubuntu 
> 19.10. When there are no more errors (only hints and warnings) and I 
> give the command F9 (run) Lazarus answers with a strange output:
> "No program file "/home/eugen/aux/lmarka/unit1" found". Can any one 
> say what is wrong?

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