[Lazarus] Hide in "code completion" text non involved in code (not stated)

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Mon May 4 08:11:52 CEST 2020

On 03.05.2020 20:22, Mattias Gaertner via lazarus wrote:
> On Sun, 3 May 2020 18:41:54 +0200
> Salvatore Coppola via lazarus <lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a way to avoid listing the items labeled with "text" in "code
>> completion"?
>> See the attached screenshot
> Settings: IDE Options / Codetools / Identifier Completion / Include
> identifiers containing prefix.
> https://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_2.0.0_release_notes#IDE_Changes

Actually it is the option next to it :) Mentiond in the same docs.

IDE Options -> Codetools -> Identifier Completion -> Include words -> 
don't include


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