[Lazarus] Lazarus/Zoom Conflict

Terry A. Haimann terry at haimann.us
Tue May 12 04:08:13 CEST 2020


I have a number of Lazarus Apps that I use.  They were working fine
before I installed Zoom.  Now all of the database edit fields
when I type in them double entry.  If I type -2.5, I get "--22..55"

I am running Linux Mint Mate 18.3
cpu i7-8700

I have checked on my laptop and the apps behave normally, which I have
not installed Zoom on.

Any suggestions?

I have tried uninstalling Zoom, but the problem still persists.
I really don't want to do a reinstall of the os, and that would have to
wait until midweek.  

Terry H.

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