[Lazarus] Lazarus totally destroyed... :(

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Fri Nov 20 11:32:49 CET 2020


- Updated Lazarus from SVN. 
- Lazarus no longer compiles (FPC 3.2)

- Managed to fix that:

home:~/lazarus> svn diff ide/ideoptionsdlg.pas
Index: ide/ideoptionsdlg.pas
--- ide/ideoptionsdlg.pas	(revision 64150)
+++ ide/ideoptionsdlg.pas	(working copy)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
    ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Dialogs,
    // LazControls
-  LazControlDsgn, // move this to lazarus.lpr
+   // LazControlDsgn, // move this to lazarus.lpr
    // IdeIntf
    IDEWindowIntf, IDEOptionsIntf, IDEOptEditorIntf, IDECommands, IDEHelpIntf,
    ProjectIntf, IDEImagesIntf,

- Lazarus no longer starts. See below for stacktrace.
- Removed protocol.xml and environmentoptions.xml : No change, crash
- Removed .lazarus dir completely: Crash.

- Attempt to compile on command-line with FPC 3.2.0

home:~/lazarus> make all PP=ppcx64-3.2.0
make -C packager/registration
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/michael/projects/lazarus/packager/registration'
/bin/rm -f ../units/x86_64-linux/fcllaz.ppu
/bin/mkdir -p ../units/x86_64-linux
ppcx64-3.2.0 -MObjFPC -Scghi -O1 -g -gl -l -vewnhibq -Fu. -Fu/usr/local/lib/fpc/3.2.0/units/x86_64-linux/rtl -FE. -FU../units/x86_64-linux -Cg -Fl/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7 -dx86_64 fcllaz.pas
Hint: (11030) Start of reading config file /home/michael/.fpc.cfg
Hint: (11031) End of reading config file /home/michael/.fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.0 [2020/05/04] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2020 by Florian Klaempfl and others
(1002) Target OS: Linux for x86-64
(3104) Compiling fcllaz.pas
(3104) Compiling lazaruspackageintf.pas
(1008) 124 lines compiled, 0.1 sec
(1022) 2 hint(s) issued
/bin/cp -f Makefile.compiled ../units/x86_64-linux/FCL.compiled
/bin/cp: cannot stat 'Makefile.compiled': No such file or directory
Makefile:3588: recipe for target 'compiled' failed
make[1]: *** [compiled] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/michael/projects/lazarus/packager/registration'
Makefile:3587: recipe for target 'registration' failed
make: *** [registration] Error 2

Left with no way to create/start lazarus.

Me no happy and very stuck pinguin.

Suggestions ?


Stack trace with existing .lazarus dir, protocol.xml and environmentopionsxml removed:

home:~> lazarus

(lazarus:4983): Gtk-WARNING **: 11:15:25.003: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] PrimaryConfigPath="/home/michael/.lazarus"
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] SecondaryConfigPath="/etc/lazarus"
[TIDEProtocol.Load]  error reading "/home/michael/.lazarus/protocol.xml": Access violation
[TEnvironmentOptions.Load]  error reading "/home/michael/.lazarus/environmentoptions.xml": Access violation
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] B  -> inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] END
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
   Exception=Access violation
   Stack trace:
   $00000000004408D0  SYSGETMEM_FIXED,  line 963 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440C25  SYSGETMEM,  line 1082 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004414F7  SYSREALLOCMEM,  line 1478 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F732  REALLOCMEM,  line 350 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000042F6EF  fpc_ansistr_setlength,  line 792 of ../inc/astrings.inc
   $000000000042E589  fpc_ansistr_concat,  line 266 of ../inc/astrings.inc
   $0000000000466FCD  FORMAT,  line 257 of ../objpas/sysutils/sysformt.inc
   $00000000004684A8  FORMAT,  line 1098 of ../objpas/sysutils/sysstr.inc
   $0000000000A6120E  TRANSLATEUNITRESOURCESTRINGS,  line 634 of translations.pas
   $0000000000C461C0  TRANSLATERESOURCESTRINGS,  line 518 of idetranslations.pas
   $00000000004B77CE  LOADGLOBALOPTIONS,  line 1251 of main.pp
   $00000000004B9112  CREATE,  line 1528 of main.pp
   $00000000004208D6  main,  line 141 of lazarus.pp
   $000000000044C910  SYSENTRY,  line 141 of system.pp
TApplication.HandleException: EAccessViolation
Access violation
   Stack trace:
   $00000000004408D0  SYSGETMEM_FIXED,  line 963 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440C25  SYSGETMEM,  line 1082 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004414F7  SYSREALLOCMEM,  line 1478 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F732  REALLOCMEM,  line 350 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000042F6EF  fpc_ansistr_setlength,  line 792 of ../inc/astrings.inc
   $000000000042E589  fpc_ansistr_concat,  line 266 of ../inc/astrings.inc
   $0000000000466FCD  FORMAT,  line 257 of ../objpas/sysutils/sysformt.inc
   $00000000004684A8  FORMAT,  line 1098 of ../objpas/sysutils/sysstr.inc
   $0000000000A6120E  TRANSLATEUNITRESOURCESTRINGS,  line 634 of translations.pas
   $0000000000C461C0  TRANSLATERESOURCESTRINGS,  line 518 of idetranslations.pas
   $00000000004B77CE  LOADGLOBALOPTIONS,  line 1251 of main.pp
   $00000000004B9112  CREATE,  line 1528 of main.pp
   $00000000004208D6  main,  line 141 of lazarus.pp
   $000000000044C910  SYSENTRY,  line 141 of system.pp
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred 
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred 
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy] WARNING: There are 1 unreleased DCs, a detailed dump follows:
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy]  DCs:   00007F411429DA40
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy] WARNING: There are 2 unreleased GDIObjects, a detailed dump follows:
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy]   GDIOs: 00007F411E3E2BC0 00007F411E3E2AC0
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy]   gdiBitmap: 2
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000440DC1:
EAccessViolation: Access violation
   $0000000000440DC1  SYSFREEMEM_FIXED,  line 1153 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440FDB  SYSFREEMEM,  line 1227 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F63A  FREEMEM,  line 324 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000689034  DOFINALIZATION,  line 762 of widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
   $0000000000689069  WSLCLCLASSES_$$_finalize$,  line 773 of widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
   $000000000043E103  FINALIZEUNITS,  line 1009 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E490  INTERNALEXIT,  line 1090 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E4D9  fpc_do_exit,  line 1133 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E537  HALT,  line 1156 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000048FFF2  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  line 1929 of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000049020A  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000049020A  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc

An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000440DC1:
   $0000000000440DC1  SYSFREEMEM_FIXED,  line 1153 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440FDB  SYSFREEMEM,  line 1227 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F63A  FREEMEM,  line 324 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004FE942  DONELOCALTIME,  line 353 of ../unix/timezone.inc
   $00000000005007C9  UNIX_$$_finalize$,  line 1244 of ../unix/unix.pp
   $000000000043E103  FINALIZEUNITS,  line 1009 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E490  INTERNALEXIT,  line 1090 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E4D9  fpc_do_exit,  line 1133 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E537  HALT,  line 1156 of ../inc/system.inc
   $0000000000439D11  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 145 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000049020A  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000049020A  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc

Lazarus without .lazarus dir:

home:~> rm -r .lazarus
home:~> lazarus

(lazarus:5144): Gtk-WARNING **: 11:21:04.435: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] PrimaryConfigPath="/home/michael/.lazarus"
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] SecondaryConfigPath="/etc/lazarus"
[TIDEProtocol.Load]  error reading "/home/michael/.lazarus/protocol.xml": Access violation
[TEnvironmentOptions.Load]  error reading "/home/michael/.lazarus/environmentoptions.xml": Access violation
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] B  -> inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] END
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
   Exception=Access violation
   Stack trace:
   $00000000004408D0  SYSGETMEM_FIXED,  line 963 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440C25  SYSGETMEM,  line 1082 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F50E  GETMEM,  line 284 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004381F1  NEWINSTANCE,  line 437 of ../inc/objpas.inc
   $00000000007F5098  CREATE,  line 2503 of laz2_dom.pas
   $00000000007ECA7B  CREATECONFIGNODE,  line 870 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $00000000007EC98E  SETFILENAME,  line 854 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $00000000007EA0EB  CREATE,  line 295 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $0000000000B471D7  CREATE,  line 581 of ideoptiondefs.pas
   $0000000000B45F27  GETLAZIDECONFIGSTORAGE,  line 327 of ideoptiondefs.pas
   $0000000000BD98A0  LOADFILEDIALOGFILTER,  line 80 of frames/env_file_filters.pas
   $00000000004B823C  LOADGLOBALOPTIONS,  line 1353 of main.pp
   $00000000004B9112  CREATE,  line 1528 of main.pp
   $00000000004208D6  main,  line 141 of lazarus.pp
   $000000000044C910  SYSENTRY,  line 141 of system.pp
TApplication.HandleException: EAccessViolation
Access violation
   Stack trace:
   $00000000004408D0  SYSGETMEM_FIXED,  line 963 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440C25  SYSGETMEM,  line 1082 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F50E  GETMEM,  line 284 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004381F1  NEWINSTANCE,  line 437 of ../inc/objpas.inc
   $00000000007F5098  CREATE,  line 2503 of laz2_dom.pas
   $00000000007ECA7B  CREATECONFIGNODE,  line 870 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $00000000007EC98E  SETFILENAME,  line 854 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $00000000007EA0EB  CREATE,  line 295 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $0000000000B471D7  CREATE,  line 581 of ideoptiondefs.pas
   $0000000000B45F27  GETLAZIDECONFIGSTORAGE,  line 327 of ideoptiondefs.pas
   $0000000000BD98A0  LOADFILEDIALOGFILTER,  line 80 of frames/env_file_filters.pas
   $00000000004B823C  LOADGLOBALOPTIONS,  line 1353 of main.pp
   $00000000004B9112  CREATE,  line 1528 of main.pp
   $00000000004208D6  main,  line 141 of lazarus.pp
   $000000000044C910  SYSENTRY,  line 141 of system.pp
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
   Exception=Access violation
   Stack trace:
   $00000000004408D0  SYSGETMEM_FIXED,  line 963 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440C25  SYSGETMEM,  line 1082 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F50E  GETMEM,  line 284 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004381F1  NEWINSTANCE,  line 437 of ../inc/objpas.inc
   $00000000007F5098  CREATE,  line 2503 of laz2_dom.pas
   $00000000007FCB13  PROCESSXML,  line 1704 of laz2_xmlread.pas
   $0000000000803F87  READXMLFILE,  line 4145 of laz2_xmlread.pas
   $000000000080410B  READXMLFILE,  line 4177 of laz2_xmlread.pas
   $00000000007EA650  READFROMSTREAM,  line 354 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $0000000000B55F22  ADDFROMRESOURCE,  line 2422 of editoroptions.pp
   $0000000000B55A36  COLORSCHEMEFACTORY,  line 2433 of editoroptions.pp
   $0000000000B6D862  EDITOROPTIONS_$$_finalize$,  line 7298 of editoroptions.pp
   $000000000043E103  FINALIZEUNITS,  line 1009 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E490  INTERNALEXIT,  line 1090 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E4D9  fpc_do_exit,  line 1133 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E537  HALT,  line 1156 of ../inc/system.inc
   $0000000000439D11  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 145 of ../inc/except.inc
TApplication.HandleException: EAccessViolation
Access violation
   Stack trace:
   $00000000004408D0  SYSGETMEM_FIXED,  line 963 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440C25  SYSGETMEM,  line 1082 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F50E  GETMEM,  line 284 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004381F1  NEWINSTANCE,  line 437 of ../inc/objpas.inc
   $00000000007F5098  CREATE,  line 2503 of laz2_dom.pas
   $00000000007FCB13  PROCESSXML,  line 1704 of laz2_xmlread.pas
   $0000000000803F87  READXMLFILE,  line 4145 of laz2_xmlread.pas
   $000000000080410B  READXMLFILE,  line 4177 of laz2_xmlread.pas
   $00000000007EA650  READFROMSTREAM,  line 354 of laz2_xmlcfg.pas
   $0000000000B55F22  ADDFROMRESOURCE,  line 2422 of editoroptions.pp
   $0000000000B55A36  COLORSCHEMEFACTORY,  line 2433 of editoroptions.pp
   $0000000000B6D862  EDITOROPTIONS_$$_finalize$,  line 7298 of editoroptions.pp
   $000000000043E103  FINALIZEUNITS,  line 1009 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E490  INTERNALEXIT,  line 1090 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E4D9  fpc_do_exit,  line 1133 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E537  HALT,  line 1156 of ../inc/system.inc
   $0000000000439D11  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 145 of ../inc/except.inc
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred 
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy] WARNING: There are 1 unreleased DCs, a detailed dump follows:
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy]  DCs:   00007F043F853A40
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy] WARNING: There are 2 unreleased GDIObjects, a detailed dump follows:
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy]   GDIOs: 00007F0449998BC0 00007F0449998AC0
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy]   gdiBitmap: 2
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000440DC1:
EAccessViolation: Access violation
   $0000000000440DC1  SYSFREEMEM_FIXED,  line 1153 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440FDB  SYSFREEMEM,  line 1227 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F63A  FREEMEM,  line 324 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000689034  DOFINALIZATION,  line 762 of widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
   $0000000000689069  WSLCLCLASSES_$$_finalize$,  line 773 of widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
   $000000000043E103  FINALIZEUNITS,  line 1009 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E490  INTERNALEXIT,  line 1090 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E4D9  fpc_do_exit,  line 1133 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E537  HALT,  line 1156 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000048FFF2  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  line 1929 of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000049020A  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $0000000000B55E1A  COLORSCHEMEFACTORY,  of editoroptions.pp
   $0000000000B6D862  EDITOROPTIONS_$$_finalize$,  line 7298 of editoroptions.pp

An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000440DC1:
   $0000000000440DC1  SYSFREEMEM_FIXED,  line 1153 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $0000000000440FDB  SYSFREEMEM,  line 1227 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $000000000043F63A  FREEMEM,  line 324 of ../inc/heap.inc
   $00000000004FE942  DONELOCALTIME,  line 353 of ../unix/timezone.inc
   $00000000005007C9  UNIX_$$_finalize$,  line 1244 of ../unix/unix.pp
   $000000000043E103  FINALIZEUNITS,  line 1009 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E490  INTERNALEXIT,  line 1090 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E4D9  fpc_do_exit,  line 1133 of ../inc/system.inc
   $000000000043E537  HALT,  line 1156 of ../inc/system.inc
   $0000000000439D11  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 145 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000049020A  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000049020A  EXCEPTIONOCCURRED,  of forms.pp
   $0000000000439D07  DOUNHANDLEDEXCEPTION,  line 144 of ../inc/except.inc
   $000000000043A0DE  fpc_reraise,  line 277 of ../inc/except.inc

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