[Lazarus] -dWINDOWS_LIGATURE [[Re: Font ligatures support]]

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 5 22:46:01 CEST 2020

Am 04.10.2020 um 18:05 schrieb Martin Frb via lazarus:
> On 04/10/2020 10:14, Mr Bee wrote:
>> If it does work, would you please submit it as a patch for the next 
>> release? At least, add a note that the font ligatures feature only 
>> supports monospaced fonts and only works on Windows. It's better than 
>> nothing.
> revision 63951
> Windows only, compile with -dWINDOWS_LIGATURE
> Tested with Cascadia.
> If someone wants to add an option "show ligatures" ($IFDEF WINDOWS} to 
> the IDE options (Editor > Display / like the anti aliasing option), 
> then the feature can depend on that, and no longer needs the define.

I've tested it (with Cascadia Code) and while it shows the one or other 
ligature, Visual Studio shows more.

Take the following sequence:

-> => >= <= *** .. ... <> >< >> << >>> <<< == !=

Visual Studio shows all as ligatures except the first one and the 
symmetric difference (I think it doesn't have one)

Lazarus however only shows >=, <=, <>  and .. as ligatures and for the 
three points it displays them as ".. .", so the first two are presented 
by their ligature, but the third dot is done separately (unlike in 
Visual Studio).

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