[Lazarus] How to list available serial ports on Linux?

Wolf wv99999 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 00:43:50 CEST 2020

By submitting your question to DuckDuckGo, I found 

To quote:

|To see which tty's are currently in use, you can simply look into the 
file /proc/tty/drivers: and get a rather short list of devices. |Does it help?


On 7/10/20 10:35 AM, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote:
> Is there a way to list the available (working) serial ports on a Linux
> platform like the RaspberryPi?
> I would like to offer a dropdown list of working serial ports to the
> user to select among, but I am dissuaded from it when I do the
> following:
> ls -la /dev/tty*
> It returns a very long list of serial devices and most of these are
> probably not even existing in real life.
> On an RPi I get
> /dev/tty
> /dev/ttyN (where N=0..63
> /dev/ttyAMA0 <== This is RPi Serial0 port on the pin header.
> /dev/ttyprintk
> and:
> /dev/ttyUSB0../dev/ttyUSB3 depending on what is plugged into USB
> All in all about 70 devices, but not sure which are actually available
> for use.
> Is this an impossible task or can one check for "live" serial ports
> only? If so how?
> On Windows I have ported a convoluted function from Delphi, which uses
> Registry reads to give me the list.
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