[Lazarus] Can I configure Lazarus (or the project) to only add symbols on debug?

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 23:16:47 CET 2021

On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 10:01 PM Bo Berglund via lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> ... the binary will be added to version control ...

You are misusing a version (or revision) control system, Subversion in your
case if I understand right.
Generated binaries should not be added there. It is only for source files.
A revision control system stores diffs between revisions. A diff between 2
binaries is not useful information.
You can share the binaries through a file system, FTP server, web page or
something like that.

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