[Lazarus] UTF8LengthFast returning incorrect results on AARCH64 (MacOS)
bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 19:21:51 CET 2021
On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 6:35 PM Marco van de Voort via lazarus
<lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
> The expression seems to be 1 when the top bits are 10 iow when it is a
> follow bytes of utf8, that is what the comment says, and I as far as I
> can see the signedness doesn't matter.
> Basically to me that seems to be a branchless version of
> if (p[i] and %11000000)=%10000000 then
> inc(result);
This is how I understood that paert of the code as well.
Just a side node: all this assumes that the UTF8 is correct (in the
strict sense).
Now for the part that tries to do calculations on blocks of 32 or 64 bits.
It uses a multiplication in that part.
That seems a bit odd as this code tries to do evrything with ands,
nots, and shifts.
Would this approach (in that part of the code) also work?
X = 32 or 64 bit block
2: SHR 7: gives (A)
3: NOT X
4: SHR 6: gives (B)
5: (A) AND (B): gives (C)
Basically we do the same as for a 1-byte block;
Now we have a pattern where any 1 tells us this byte was a following byte
A 32-bit example:
(Invalid sequence but that does not matter here)
X = %11xxxxxx %01xxxxxx %00xxxxxx %10xxxxxx
(Leading-ASCII-ASCII-Following, so count of following bytes must be 1)
AND with EIGTHYMASK gives %10000000 %00000000 %00000000 %10000000
SHR 7 gives: %00000001 %00000000 %00000000 %00000001 (A)
NOT %11xxxxxx %01xxxxxx %00xxxxxx %10xxxxxx = %00yyyyyy %10yyyyyy
%11yyyyyy %01yyyyyy
SHR 6 gives: %00000000 %yyyyyy10 %yyyyyy11 %yyyyyy01 (B)
(A) and (B) gives: %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000001 (C)
All non-following bytes turn into %00000000
The count of following bytes is PopCnt(C)
As long as PopCnt is available as a machine instruction, this will be
faster than the (nx * ONEMASK) calculation I think.
(I would hope this is the case for all platforms Lazarus supports, if
not the call to PopCnt could be ifdef-ed.)
So basically change this:
nx := ((pnx^ and EIGHTYMASK) shr 7) and ((not pnx^) shr 6);
{$push}{$overflowchecks off} // "nx * ONEMASK" causes an
arithmetic overflow.
Result += (nx * ONEMASK) >> ((sizeof(PtrInt) - 1) * 8);
nx := ((pnx^ and EIGHTYMASK) shr 7) and ((not pnx^) shr 6);
Result := Result + PopCnt(PtrUInt(nx)); /PopCnt only accepts
unsigend parameter
Since bit manipulating is not my strongpoint, please comment.
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