[Lazarus] Some IDE/LHelp issues

Andrey Sobol andrey.sobol.nn at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 16:22:06 CET 2021

On 04.02.2021 16:39, Rolf Wetjen via lazarus wrote:
> Hi Andy
> I've patched LHelp.exe with lhelp_index_combine_04.patch.
> The "unknown" tab issue is partly solved. Now all tabs have a caption. 
> There's one strange behaviour:
> [FPDoc Documentation], [Programmer' Guide], [Reference Guide] and 
> [User's Guide] doesn't show the default page if LHelp is called from the 
> IDE via Help/CHM help or via context F1. They show an empty page. But it 
> shows the default page if I open prog.chm for example in LHelp via 
> File/Open.
> An other difference: Calling LHelp via context F1 doesn't show the toc. 
> Tested with F1 on "TForm".
> Rolf

There is not a final version, I work at that yet. The main change is a 
full merged indexes (Binary index and FTSI) for an one page mode.


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