[Lazarus] FPDoc now with Markdown support

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sun Jan 3 13:43:01 CET 2021

On Sun, 3 Jan 2021, Соболь Андрей Евгеньевич via lazarus wrote:

>> I've been looking at allowing markdown for the description files (they would
>> be less verbose then), but there seems to be no decent markdown parser available
>> for pascal. If somone cares to contribute one...
> For "overview pages" (unit, class, package) I think need to move a
> "description section" to up and set it above a "uses section", because
> "description" is more useful information than list of units.  Especially
> for the case when the list of files is big.  I think that need to do for a
> html version also.

Good points. I am planning some small changes in the Markdown support. 
I already moved the description up (after declaration, before members).

The uses section can indeed be moved down for units. I plan to add links to
the const/classes/types sections, because the menu may not always be very

I am currently refactoring the HTML version so the layout can be changed
more easily, and descendents can be made. Once that is done, changes can be


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