[Lazarus] FPDoc now with Markdown support

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Mon Jan 4 11:56:14 CET 2021

On Sun, 3 Jan 2021, Don Siders via lazarus wrote:

>> > I would rather see sectioning added to the FPDoc tags/content model:
>> >
>> > <topic>
>> >  <section>
>> >    <title>Using the Control</title>
>> >    <p>Lorem ipsum sic dolor amet.</p>
>> >  </section>
>> > </topic>
>> And what would this do in terms ouf output ?
> In general, it would make FPDoc more usable for non-reference type
> material. Grouping related content. If <section> has a name, it could
> provide another level of navigation in the TOC. It provides a standard
> way to tag a Formal Para, instead of emulating it it with:
>  <p>
>    <b>Using the Control</b>
>  </p>
>  <p>
>    Lorem ipsum sic dolor amet.
>  </p>
> In specific, <section> could render like the HTML equivalent (as a
> biock). <title> renders like the HTML H4 tag. The rest of the content
> model renders just like the current usage.

You do know that topics can be nested ?

I can add 'section', but it will be below the <descr> node, as IMO it makes no
sense to do this below the topic node because of the nesting.


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