[Lazarus] Component palette enhancements

Marco van de Voort fpc at pascalprogramming.org
Fri Apr 8 13:59:04 CEST 2022

On 8-4-2022 10:49, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus wrote:
> But that is exactly what I want to support ?
> If I want to implement my own button, descendent of the standard 
> TButton or not:
> Except for the restriction during streaming, I see no reason why I would
> have to name my own button TMyButton, since the 'my' is implicit in 
> the fact
> that it is implemented in unit MyControls.

Have a virtual method in tpersistent that is used for the streaming 
identifier. Default it returns the classname (and everything remains the 
same for existing classes), and you can override it to also return the 

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