[Lazarus] SQLDBRestBridge

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Wed Nov 9 13:08:10 CET 2022

On Tue, 8 Nov 2022, duilio foschi wrote:

> I am puzzled by TMS Software.

You are not alone. Your story is recognizable.


> I bought TMS Web Core months ago with the idea of quickly write web
> applications in Lazarus, with a special aim at their
> TWebGridComponent, but I can say today that it was no wise purchase :)

What can I say ?

We cooperated with them, we have made pas2js available to them, 
we provide quick bugfixes and improvements of pas2js, 
but we have no control over what they do with it or how their helpdesk

As for the grid component: 
In my daily work development environment we switched to using datatables.net.
I can recommend it, just as bootstrap-table. It has all you need.

It's perfectly usable with pas2js and the import units are available with pas2js.


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