[Lazarus] Lazarus and FreePascal version relations on Linux and Windows?

John Landmesser jmlandmesser at gmx.de
Wed Feb 22 10:44:03 CET 2023

Am 22.02.23 um 10:00 schrieb Bo Berglund via lazarus:
> I have used Lazarus on Windows and Linux many years and I have built the Linux
> versions from sources but used the official installer for Windows.
> On Linux I have had parallel versions of Lazarus but usually the same FPC and
> this has worked fine. I think that on Linux the FPC becomes a global version and
> then new Lazarus gets confused...


*Which fpc is needed tells you the release notes ... that changes

> On Windows the installer separates the complete package into a separate
> directory which contains both Lazarus and FPC and none is put on system path.
> So when I have say 6 different versions of Lazarus on Windows they are all
> separate and do not conflict with each other.
> Now I am having problems installing Lazarus 2.2.4 on Linux systems where older
> Lazarus version exist because they use an older FPC which the new Lazarus cannot
> use (3.0.4 vs 3.2.2).
> On Linux FPC is put on path and so the instant one installs 3.2.2 on a system
> already using 3.0.4 disaster follows...
> Is this the reason for the continued problems with fppkg?
> And another question:
> How can I force Lazarus to show the initial configuration page, which is shown
> on the very first start after installing Lazarus and later is skipped?


*That is in terminal lazarus --setup*

> I think I remember that there is a way to show it from within Lazarus but I
> cannot find where now...
> Either way I would like to look at the config page for a working system so I can
> see the differences between that and a Lazarus that behaves bad.
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