[Lazarus] Compilation failed : PolygonNonZeroWindingRule unknown

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Fri Jul 28 14:59:13 CEST 2023

Am 28.07.2023 um 11:37 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus:
> I updated my lazarus today, and the following fails:
> procedure TLazCanvas.Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint; Winding: 
> Boolean);
> begin
>   PolygonNonZeroWindingRule := Winding;
>   inherited Polygon(Points);
> end;
> it does not know PolygonNonZeroWindingRule.
> I removed that line, and all compiles, but I suppose this is not the 
> correct
> fix ?
Last time there was a complaint about this I checked all combinations I 
have access to, and it was working. You are talking of Laz/main? In 
combination with which FPC? And on which OS? Did you try a *clean 
*rebuild of the Lazarus IDE?
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