[Lazarus] LazGitGui a git tool.

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sat Jul 29 16:42:17 CEST 2023

On 29/07/2023 12:55, Juha Manninen via lazarus wrote:
> An IDE plugin that runs "git blame" for an active editor source file 
> and shows a HashID for each line. The associated commit is shown in 
> another window when the HashID is clicked. All that using a local Git 
> repo history, no network access is needed.
> That kind of IDE integration would make sense. I never understood the 
> traditional revision control plugins that allow commits from the IDE. 
> What is the benefit? I have anyways saved and tested all my changes 
> when I want to commit. I can as well start a proper commit tool from 
> outside the IDE. There is no true integration, the IDE plugin is only 
> started from a different place.

Well, log for the current file would be useful too, and easier.

But what I really fancy is an integrated "git diff" => where the 
SourceEditor/SynEdit shows chages inline.

Could be different detail levels

- just line markers /like the current changed/save marker (yellow/green)

- diff show at bottom (like winmerge)

- maybe side by side split editor (though external tools to that well)

- inline markup, like MS-word capturing changes: red/strikethrough for 
stuff deleted by current diff, green for stuff added.

This could work, as you type.

It would work without gif, against the saved file, or a backup.

With git, against HEAD or index (or both / 3 color)

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