[Lazarus] Build IDE "forgets" Target CPU

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Wed May 17 19:57:55 CEST 2023

Recent Macs support both X86_64 and aarm64 binaries, and if you wish to 
compile your app one way or the other you may just select it in Project 
Options. You may be forced to select x86_64 if you wish to use Qt5 
because Qt provides Qt5 only for x86. But if you wish to build the IDE 
for a different Target CPU than the one currently used, build will fail.

It will build all the units required for the selected target CPU, until 
it comes to build the IDE itself. It tries to compile it not using fpc, 
but the ppcxx of the current IDE configuration.

The error shown is:

Error: (11059) Unsupported target architecture -Px86_64, invoke the "fpc" compiler driver instead.
Error: /usr/local/bin/ppca64 returned an error exitcode

You succeed in building if you invoke make with an extra PP= such as:

make useride LCL_PLATFORM=cocoa OPT="-Px86_64" PP=ppcx64

Can this be fixed, following the suggestion of the error message, 
invoking fpc instead?

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