[Lazarus] Detect Caps Lock key status change

Arí Ricardo Ody nightrider43 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 15 12:39:39 CET 2024

Hello everyone!

I recently bought a Philips wireless keyboard. However, I noticed that it
does not have an indicator to show whether the Caps Lock key is activated.

That is why I had the idea of developing a program in Lazarus that could
run continuously in the Windows environment (and possibly in Linux as
well). This program would work on top of other applications and would be
able to detect the state of the Caps Lock key. When the key was activated,
the program would display a colored dot in a small window on the screen.

I would like to know if anyone is willing to tell me how the implementation
would be to detect the state of the Caps Lock key in real time. I need the
program to be able to monitor the key continuously and identify changes in
status (from activated to deactivated and vice versa) to update the
indicator on the screen immediately. It is worth emphasizing that the
aforementioned detection must occur in real time.

Thanks in advance!

Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil,

Arí Ricardo

nightrider43 at gmail.com
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