[Lazarus] Using Microsoft Excel workbooks with Lazarus

Michael Thompson mike.cornflake at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 04:09:57 CET 2024


>>> I am writing an application that requires extensive use of Microsoft
Excel .xlsx worksheets.
>>> I have no success using OCDB connections. Does anyone use
TODBCConnection with excel?

>> Why not use the fpspreadsheet that comes with lazarus ?

> I am using the fpspreadsheet , but being able to write data directly to
> the worksheet would save me a lot of time

Sorry for stepping in on a tool I know little about.  I'm sure though I've
previously successfully used fpspreadsheet for write.

In https://wiki.freepascal.org/FPSpreadsheet, have a look at:

Once you've made your changes.
procedure WriteToFile(const AFileName: string; const AFormat:
TsSpreadsheetFormat; const AOverwriteExisting: Boolean = False):

Back to lurking...

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