[Lazarus] Email sending program using Indy stopped working - seems to be an SSL problem

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 22:32:00 CET 2024

On Sun, 14 Jan 2024 12:54:08 +0100 (CET), Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus
<lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>The synapse package is not installed in the IDE, it does not
>install any components on the component palette.
>The Synapse package just offers classes which you must create in code.
>But once you compiled the package, you can specify it as a dependency.
>This is explained in my article, in the first paragraphs.
>> Inside the pdf I found a link to http://synapse.ararat.cz/ but there seems to be
>> only files from more than 10 years ago, how could they solve the recently
>> encountered ssl problem?
>The latest code is on sourceforge:
>You can see it referenced on:
>The maintainer is considering switching to git(lab|hub), but this will take
>some time.
>However, the package in lazarus should be up-to-date for your needs, I think.
>> Could you (or someone else reading this) suggest a new SendSvnMessage function
>> that will replace the following (snippets) but using Synapse (and say from where
>> I can get synapse):
>The following program compiles:
>With the aid of my article, you should be able to extend the code to work with attachments etc.

Thank you so much for your help!

I don't need attachmentshere since it is a commit reporting utility, just
listing what was committed and the message entered.

I have now retrieved the synapse package sources (using SVN from SourceForge)
and compiled in Lazarus.
So I am now making a test program to only prove that the mail server I must use
will play balls and accept the postings.

A few more questions:

1) Is there a way to set the mail property "Reply-to" when using synapse?
There might be a case when the sender of an email (the From address) has to be
the account owner and I want to make sure that those that receive the message
can reply to it and get to the actual person making the SVN commit.
It does not appear to be that way here:

function SendToEx(const MailFrom, MailTo, Subject, SMTPHost: string; const
MailData: TStrings; const Username, Password: string): Boolean;

I assume MailData is the mail body...

2) How can I add Bcc recipients?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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