[Qt] List

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 18:49:55 CET 2006

It was indeed a good idea to create this list. I will comment on each
bug and mark which ones I will fix, and which ones not (i.e. if you
really need fixed, better send a patch). My time is finite =) so I
cannot fix everything.

> (1) TLabel doesn't support WordWrap.

Will fix, I need this.

> (2) Problem with tabbing between controls when some controls are on a
> TTabSheet and other controls are directly on form.

The tabbing code is concentrated on the procedure TQtMainWindow.setTabOrders

There I get a list of child components of a form using Form.Components
and iterate throught all components. It would be necessary on the
iteration to take into account on the loop the parent of the

Is there a ready created list of the childs of a control? I couldn't find one.

This isn't hard to fix, but needs a lot of thinking, testing, etc.
Somewhat boring. Won't fix anytime in the near future.

> (3) TImage not yet supported?

I will need to improve imaging support because the current one isn't
yet enougth to get the magnifier running, so this will likely be fixed
in the process. At least showing a image should work.

> (4) On OS X, the TOpenDlg comes up with "[New File] in the dialog box title.

Tested here and could not reproduce on Linux. Here is the code I used:

procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  OpenDialog1.Title := 'Meu Open Dialog Um';

> (5) On OS X, an unfocussed TEdit's background color is almost invisible --
> using almost same color as form?

Currently TEdit uses the same background color as the parent. Seams
trivial to fix, just change the background color to TEdit.Color
property. Will fix.

> (6) On OS X, a TBitBtn with a Height of 29 displays as a rectangle, whereas
> a TBitBtn with a Height of 33 displays using the nice Aqua oval. Not sure
> what's going on here. This affects MessageDlg too.

No idea, never saw this problem on windows or linux. Better make a
plain pascal-Qt software to test the Qt behavior on buttons. I always
use QPushButton on qt widgetset. Don't plan on fixing anytime soon,
unless I see this bug when I finally get to test the magnifier on Mac

> (7) In one of my projects, all controls have an OnEnter event handler that
> displays the control's Hint on the form's status bar. This doesn't work for
> TEdit controls.

Doesn't seam hard, but I don't have time.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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