[Qt] FreePascal Qt4 binding: Qt 4.2.1 preview

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Fri Nov 24 22:47:18 CET 2006

On Monday 20 November 2006 16:46, Hess, Philip J wrote:

vacation for a week :-)

> Your new Win32 libqt4intf.dll doesn't work with Lazarus and the Qt
> widgetset:
> "The procedure entry point QCoreApplication_argc could not be located in
> the dynamic link library libqt4intf.dll."

reading  src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h I see

    static int argc() QT_DEPRECATED;
    static char **argv() QT_DEPRECATED;

I will look into this.

> The Qt widgetset does work with your 1.21 .dll, but only with FPC 2.0.4.
> If I compile a program with FPC 2.1.1, I get a "segmentation fault"
> error.

FPC 2.1.1 is not stable, so you probably found a bug. 
The FPC team will love your bug report. 
Most probably a bug where parameters are not passed
compliant with the ABI. 

Which fpc svn version ?
Can you pinpoint which qt4intf call -> then a small
fpc qt sample should be made for the bug report.


Den Jean

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