[Qt] QListView_indexAt and QAbstractItemModel_index
Павел Ишенин
webpirat at mail.ru
Tue Aug 28 19:47:24 CEST 2007
Hello, Items specific to the Qt widget set
Is it ok to write such contructions:
function TQtListWidget.IndexAt(APoint: PQtPoint): Integer;
AModelIndex: QModelIndexH;
AModelIndex := QModelIndex_create();
QListView_indexAt(QListWidgetH(Widget), AModelIndex, APoint);
Result := QModelIndex_row(AModelIndex);
I mean such will be better:
AModelIndex := QListView_indexAt(QListWidgetH(Widget), APoint);
Result := QModelIndex_row(AModelIndex);
Maybe I misunderstand something?
Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.
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