[Qt] Qt widgetset MessageDlg

Hess, Philip J pjhess at purdue.edu
Sun Feb 18 00:57:54 CET 2007


I took Vincent's suggestion and overrode TWidgetSet.PromptUser. MessageDlg now appears to work okay but probably needs additional testing. Please feel free to change capitalization, etc. to fit the Qt widgetset style.

Thanks, Vincent, for the suggestion.


-----Original Message-----
From: qt-bounces at lazarus.freepascal.org on behalf of Vincent Snijders
Sent: Thu 2/15/2007 4:48 AM
To: Items specific to the Qt widget set
Subject: Re: [Qt] Qt widgetset MessageDlg
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho schreef:
> On 2/15/07, Hess, Philip J <pjhess at purdue.edu> wrote:
>> MessageDlg doesn't work right with the Qt widgetset. On both Windows 
>> and OS X it's just a tall box that extends below the task bar/dock. On 
>> OS X, the buttons aren't accessible.
> That is correct, it´s like that on Linux too. I tryed some time ago to
> implement it, but I got confused, so it´s better to ask on the main
> mailling list where Vincent, Mattias, etc should know better then I
> what needs to be done. Althougth I think I already asked without much
> answer, so one will probably have to dig lcl code to find out how this
> works.

To use QT's messagebox functions, the widgetset should override TWidgetSet.PromptUser.

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