[Qt] Good progress on TBitmap

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Sat Jan 27 21:43:49 CET 2007

I was trying to get this code running:

procedure TPainter.Paint;
  bmpDisplay, bmpOutput: TBitmap;
  ScreenDC: HDC;
  bmpDisplay := TBitmap.Create;
  bmpOutput := TBitmap.Create;
    bmpOutput.Width := 500;
    bmpOutput.Height := 500;

    bmpOutput.Canvas.Rectangle(Form2.RectX, Form2.RectY, 100, 100);

    Canvas.Draw(0, 0, bmpOutput);

  inherited Paint;

Where TPainter is a TCustomControl descendent created on a form.

So I added this function (read the comments on it to understand what I
was thinking when I wrote it):

  Function: TQtDeviceContext.setImage
  Params:  None
  Returns: Nothing

  This function will destroy the previous DC handle and generate
 a new one based on an image. This is necessary because when painting
 is being done to a TBitmap, LCL will create a completely abstract DC,
 using GetDC(0), and latter use SelectObject to associate that DC
 with the Image.
procedure TQtDeviceContext.setImage(AImage: TQtImage);
  vImage := AImage.Handle;


  Widget := QPainter_Create(vImage);

Maybe this function is the cause?

More debugging and thinking is necessary ...

Is there any regression on the functionality? Your app seams to work
here ... and without a console I don't see error messages.

> What you think about going yet one step further and use
> DebugLn('msg',[vars]); as standard syntax for logging?

If it produces the same hex output for handles sure, but we need
someone to go througth all the code and change this ...

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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