[Qt] FreePascal Qt4 binding: Qt 4.2.1 preview

Hess, Philip J pjhess at purdue.edu
Sun Jan 28 20:11:02 CET 2007

Yes, I think this has been fixed. I haven't seen this problem for a couple weeks now.



-----Original Message-----
From: qt-bounces at lazarus.freepascal.org on behalf of Den Jean
Sent: Sun 1/28/2007 1:10 PM
To: Items specific to the Qt widget set
Subject: Re: [Qt] FreePascal Qt4 binding: Qt 4.2.1 preview
On Wednesday 20 December 2006 19:08, Hess, Philip J wrote:
> Den,
> The app does start up and paints the main form's outline, then displays
> an error message - but this stays up only a fraction of a second before
> it crashes - too quick for me to read what it says.
I spent some time debugging it. 
At some point an invalid Qt handle was passed
to the library, but where this handle became
corrupted was not clear.

constructor TQtDeviceContext.Create(WidgetHandle: THandle);
    Parent := TQtWidget(WidgetHandle).Widget;
    Widget := QPainter_create(QWidget_to_QPaintDevice(Parent));

The parent value obtained with the type cast for the 4th button 
of the demo project was invalid. (pointer value way different than with
the other buttons.

With fpc 2.0.5 no problem, but with fpc 2.1.1 problems.
After update of svn of today for both fpc 211 and lazarus & qt,
the problem is gone. I am not sure where the problem was: fpc or lcl/qt

I hope it doesn't come back :-)
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